Sunday, January 26, 2020

Composition Of The Complex Ion By Continuous Variation Biology Essay

Composition Of The Complex Ion By Continuous Variation Biology Essay Transition metals will normally form a complexes or coordination compound. In other words, transition metal ions will form complexes ions by coordination. Those complexes are formed by the coordination of lone pairs of electron from donor is called a ligand to an atom or cation, which is also known as an acceptor which has empty orbital to accommodate them. A cation may form a complex with a neutral molecule. Besides that, an atom may also form a complex. The charge remaining on the central atom or ion when the ligands are removed with their lone pairs is called the oxidation number of the metal in the complex. The number of atom forming coordinate bonds with the central atom or ion is called the coordination number. Iron is one of the transition metal found in the periodic table. When iron is at the oxidation state of +3, it will form an octahedral complex. Fe3+ tends to be stabilized which is relative to Fe2+ by anionic ligands which have its greatest affinity for oxygen donor include phosphate, tartrate, citrate, oxalate and EDTA. The color of these complexes is normally pale in color due 6A1g ground state and the occurrence of spin-forbidden which is visible to see. Fe3+ in acidic solution consisted of an anions which have low ability of coordination. All ultraviolet spectrophotometers consist of a photoelectric device which is used to measure the radiant energy. The 4 essential components of the spectrophotometers are a source of radiant energy, the spectrophotometer or monochromator, the absorption-cell assembly and the photometer or detecting device. The spectrophotometers components will permit the selection of radiant energy of the desired wavelength. A quartz prism or a ruled grating is normally employed as the dispersive element in order to separate a continuous spectrum into its constituent wavelengths. T The optical system of the spectrometer is designed to give different angle of incidence so that the radiant energy of a desired wavelength can be selected to emerge from the exit slit of the spectrometer. The entrance slit is necessary to ensure that the light entering the spectrometers be parallel although at the same time limiting its intensity; the exit slit limits the spectral width of the radiant energy emerging from the spectrophotometer to make this emergent beam as monochromatic. When there is an entrance-slit width is small relative to the exit-slit widths, this will make the spectral range to be narrower but the intensity of the emergent light is weak. By increasing the width of the entrance slit relative to the exit slit will widens the spectral range but the relative intensity at the nominal wavelength is higher. In order to have enough intensity for photometric measurements with prism spectrometers it is necessary to vary the slit width when the wavelength change, this r equires a synchronous adjustment of the two slit widths. Methods/Apparatus: Result: X1L (mol) Absorbance at ÃŽ » (nm) Average(nm) 1 2 0.1 0.053 0.060 0.0565 0.2 0.098 0.103 0.1005 0.3 0.126 0.131 0.1285 0.4 0.143 0.147 0.1450 0.5 0.146 0.152 0.1490 0.6 0.138 0.144 0.1410 0.7 0.117 0.123 0.1200 0.8 0.086 0.092 0.0890 0.9 0.049 0.036 0.0425 Graph: From the graph above, the value of the X is 0.5 mol. Calculation: The number of ligand that is attached to the metal can be calculate as follows: X: (1-X) L: M y = ax  ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­a (1-x) = x 1-x = 0.5 1-0.5 = 1 To calculate the molar absorptivity of the mixture is as follow: A= ÃŽ µbc 0.1490 nm = ÃŽ µ (1 cm) (0.5 mol) ÃŽ µ = 0.298 L mol−1 cm−1 Discussion: Ultraviolet and Visible Spectroscopy Ultraviolet and visible (UV/Vis) spectroscopy provides information about compounds with conjugated double bonds. It consist just enough right energy to cause an electronic transition which is the promotion of an electron from one orbital to another higher energy. When a molecule absorbs ultraviolet light, a UV spectrum is obtained. However, if the molecule absorbs lower-energy visible light, a visible spectrum is obtained. Spectrophotometer The photographic methods of spectrophotometer are not very slow and expensive, but are also limited in accuracy in the measurement of absorption intensity. The accuracy will be in the range of  ±2 to  ±5%. The modern photoelectric spectrophotometer is known to be accurate within  ±0.2%for the intensity measurement. The photoelectric instruments incorporate one or more photo-cell with certain sensitivity over the whole wavelength range. Fe3+ complex and salicylic acid Ammonium Iron (III) sulfate is a double salt in the class of alums. It have the molecular formula of NH4Fe (SO4)2. Fe3+ complexes is a tridentate compound which means that can attach to the central atom. However, salicylic acid is a bidentate compound which means that they are chelate agent which they have two groups that can attach to the central atom. The molecular formula of salicylic acid is C7H6 O3, which the OH group is ortho to the carboxyl group (COOH). Jobs Method The empirical method shows that only single complex is formed between the reactants. This method also used to determine the complex stoichiometry of the molecular complexes, where hey have the ratio of 1:1. The more systematic method for the determination of complex stoichiometry is also known as Jobs method of continuous variation. This method is used for the photometric analysis of a mixture in the ratio of x: (1-x) volumes of equimolar solutions of concentration M of the two components A and B of the complex. It is assumed that there is no change in the volume when this 2 solution mixed. The equilibrium is expressed by the equation as the following: ÃŽ ±A+ ÃŽ ²B=AÃŽ ±BÃŽ ²=C K= [A]ÃŽ ±[B]ÃŽ ² [C] where, K=instability constant of the complex C. At experiment condition specified that the equmolar solutions of A and B of concentration M mixed in proportion x: (1-x): xM=[A]+ ÃŽ ±[C]=cA (1-x) M=[B]+ ÃŽ ² [C]=cB where, quantities in the square brackets = actual concentrations cA and cB=total concentrations of free plus complexes A and B It is assumed that all the 3 species which are A, B and C obey the Beers law at the selected wavelength. The absorbance A of the solution in a 1 cm cell is as follow: A= ÃŽ µC[C]+ ÃŽ µA[A]+ ÃŽ µB[B] and Δ A=A- ÃŽ µA[A]- ÃŽ µB[B]= ÃŽ µC[C] is the difference in absorbance of an actual solution and a mixture when there is no complexing reaction occurs. Δ A is proportional to[C]. The wavelength that is chosen is greatly different from ÃŽ µA and ÃŽ µB. To make the calculation easier, it can be assume that both ÃŽ µA and ÃŽ µB are 0. A plot of Δ A against x is then curve with a maximum, which is corresponds to: y = ÃŽ ± (ÃŽ ±+ ÃŽ ²) Graph and Results According to the graph plotted above, the curve with a highest peak can obtain ed. With the highest peak, the mole fraction of ligand and its absorbance can be calculated. The number of the ligand that attached to the metal can be mono-, bis-, or tris (5-fluorosalicylato) iron (III) complexes. In another hand, the complex can be formed together with the monohydroxo and dihydroxo side. Hence, the theoretical value for y may be 1,2 or 3. But for our case, the y value is 1. The y value of 1 indicated that for the mixture of salicylic acid and ammonium iron (III) sulphate have only 1 ligand that is attached to the iron (III) complex ion and they only have 2 bonds between the ligand and metal.. The ligand ratio may be due to different types of species distribution and electronic absorption band of the complexes in the spectrum. Besides that, by plotting the graph, the value ÃŽ µ can be calculated. The value of ÃŽ µ calculated is 0.298 L mol−1 cm−1. This indicate that the molar absorptivity of the mixture of ammonium (III) sulphate and salicylic acid is 0.298 L mol−1 cm−1. Device used to determine the spectrum of the salicylic acid and ammonium iron (III) sulphate The device that can be used to determine the spectrum of the salicylic acid and ammonium iron (III) sulphate is infrared spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy, ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy. The infrared spectroscopy can be used to identify the functional groups in the salicylic acid and ammonium iron (III) sulphate. The infrared spectrum can be obtained by passing a beam of infrared radiation through a sample of the complex. Then the detector will generate a plot of percent transmission of radiation versus the wavenumber or wavelength of the radiation that is transmitted. NMR spectroscopy is used to determine the structure. It can also used to identify the functionality at a specific carbon, how the neighboring carbon appear and how the entire structure of a molecule. When a sample is subjected to a radiofrequency (rf) radiation, the nuclei in the ÃŽ ±-spin state can be promoted to the ÃŽ ²-spin sate (called flipping the spin). When the nuclei return to their original state, they emit signals whose frequency depends on the difference in energy (ΔE) between the ÃŽ ±- and ÃŽ ²- spin states. The NMR spectrometer is used to detect the signals and display it as a plot of signal frequency versus intensity is known as an NMR spectrum. The mass spectroscopy can give a structural information about the salicylic acid and ammonium iron (III) sulphate because the m/z values and relative abundances of the fragments depends on the strength of the molecular ions bonds and the stability of the fragments. In the mass spectrometry, a small amount of a compound is introduced into an instrument called the mass spectrometer where it is vaporized and then ionized (an electron is removed from each molecule). The common methods that is use to bombard the vaporized molecules with a beam of high energy electrons. The energy of the beam can be varied. When the electron beam hits a molecule, it knocks out an electron producing a molecular ion. Ultraviolet and visible spectroscopy is used to determine the compounds with conjugated double bonds. When a molecule absorbs light of an appropriate wavelength, an electron can be promoted to a higher energy orbital. It is promoted from the highest occupied molecular (HOMO) to the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO). This is called the electron transition and the molecule is said to be in the excited state. The electronic transition with the lowest energy is promotion of a nonbonding electron (n) into a ÃŽ   antibonding molecular orbital. This is called the n ÃŽ  8 transition. The higher energy electronic transition is promotion of an electron from a ÃŽ   bonding molecular orbital into a ÃŽ   antibonding molecular orbital, a ÃŽ   ÃŽ  8 transition. This means that only a compounds with electrons or nonbonding electrons can produce UV/Vis spectra. Conclusion: The composition of the iron complex ions in solution can be observed by a spectrophotometer. With this, the complex ion can be determined by method of continuous variation or Jobs method. From this method, the number of ligand that attached to the metal can be determined. The determine value is y=1. This indicate that there are only 1 ligand is attached to the iron metal and they only have 2 bonds between the ligand and metal. The molar absorptivity (ÃŽ µ) of the mixture of ammonium iron (III) sulphate and salicylic acid is 0.298 L mol−1 cm−1.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Components of Mass Incarceration Essay

Mass incarceration of African Americans is one of the biggest problems that we as a society face today. Many of our African American men are either in jail, or on parole for crimes that are committed by whites everyday. Police often overlook those crimes when it comes down to whites but they do not for blacks. Hence why a lot of black men are missing from our society and locked away in prisons for years for such minuscule crimes. Yes they have committed a crime and need to be punished, but, at the same time white men are walking around committing the same crime, where is their punishment? Alexander raises these very pertinent points in â€Å"The New Jim Crow.† The three components of mass incarceration are denial, mainstream media and historical influence. Alexander states, â€Å"Today most Americans know and don’t know the truth about mass incarceration.†(181). What this means is that as a society Americans are either blinded or oblivious to the fact that there is a lack of education of how mass incarceration affects the African American communities. In many African American households they are missing father figures due to the fact that they are in jail. As Alexander mentions denial plays a huge roll in this. We know that a large number of African American males are in prison by watching mainstream media but yet we don’t care enough about it. According to Alexander â€Å"we tell our self that they deserve it.†(182). Americans have been painted a picture to see African American men as a whole, as criminals especially when it comes to drugs. When in fact white males are prone to do the exact same crimes and not be targeted by police. Mainstream media helps to greatly contribute to these lies that we are bein g fed about mass incarceration. Shows such as â€Å"Orange is the New Black† depict a different story. The show focuses on a Caucasian woman who is in jail for soliciting drugs. While she is in jail they show you a very multiracial and diverse group of woman. Shows like these help to contribute to why we believe that prisons are filled with not only blacks but also a  wide variety of ethnicities One thing that the show just briefly touches on that Alexander talks about in great lengths is how mass incarceration â€Å"traps† African Americans. â€Å"Orange is the New Black† showed the viewers in one episode a very â€Å"real† side of the prison life when they just slightly touch on the story of a black woman who was released from prison on good behavior and she gets out in to the real world and she has no family, no where to turn and she can not get a job due to her prison record and she ends back up in jail. When she gets back in jail she screams, â€Å"I’m home.† This is exactly what Alexander spends majority of her essay speaking about, she says that we are trapped in a â€Å"birdcage.† She says this because no matter how we try to â€Å"beat the system† we are always going to be trapped no matter what we try to do. Historical influence has and will always be a part of African American history. As Alexander’s title of her article is â€Å"The New Jim Crow.† She feels as if the prison system is another form of Jim Crow laws. Jim Crow laws were established to keep black men down which are exactly what the prison systems are doing according to Alexander. She states â€Å"Jim Crow and mass incarceration have political origins.†(190). She continues to say that the white elites desire to exploit these black men and how mass incarceration is similar to a caste system (190). Alexander thinks that mass incarceration is a â€Å"trap† so to speak and how they catch these black men and put them in jail is like a modern day Jim Crow. The only difference is that it does not seem so racist and the people are giving the illusion that mass incarceration is actually protecting them. Alexander raises many good points in her article about mass incarceration. Without all the misleading information that you see in the media about the prison systems being a mixture of many different races would we, as Americans still feel safe? Or would we feel in a way like we are being subjected subliminal racism?

Friday, January 10, 2020

Market Entry Plan Essay

The Aluminum market in Europe does not have a good prospect to be expanded. Alcoa claimed that it will shut down the factory in Portovesme, Italy, and reduce the output of the factory in Spain. This is because Alcoa and European commission have argued for the power supply contract for a long time. Moreover, the European debt crisis led to a depressed economy. Thus, Alcoa decided to turn its market out of Europe and then start to look for other oversea markets. Although, Africa is one of the poorest continents of the world, in some countries, such as Mozambique, the economy has been growing steadily. From this prospective, we recommend Alcoa to open up the market in Mozambique, South Africa. We conducted the research based on sources from on-line resources. Our proposal focuses on analyzing the operation of Alcoa and the opportunity of a new market. 2. About Alcoa Alcoa is the world’s most famous producer of aluminum and fabricated aluminum, and it is the biggest miner of bauxite and refiner of alumina. Alcoa has over 61,000 employees and over 200 locations in 31 countries. Alcoa not only provides hard alloy extrusions, forgings, Alcoa ® wheels, but also has its expertise in other light metals. The sales of Alcoa were $25 billion in 2011. 2. 1 Brief History Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa Inc. ) has 120-years’ history. During the 1920’s, Alcoa monopolized aluminum production in North America and produced more than 63 percent of the world output. At the end of World War I, Alcoa produced excessive capacity, especially for civilian uses. However, the war made Alcoa realize that it was very important to improve the quality of product, and Alcoa invested more money in research and development. In 1925, Alcoa entered the first external market, Canada, and it held over half the rimary aluminum in the world. In 1958, Alcoa started the first major overseas mine-to-metal venture in Suriname. After the successful venture in Suriname, Alcoa decided to expand the offshore ventures. In 1960s, Alcoa developed operations in Australia and Brazil. At the same time, Alcoa drove the strategy to focus on commercial real estate construction and fabricated products. The Easy-Ope n aluminum technology made Alcoa hold a large percentage of the canned beer market. In the 1970’s, Alcoa continuously expanded the overseas market and used mathematic modeling to control the production. In the 1980’s and the 1990’s, Alcoa focused on producing non-aluminum products and was concerned about safety. From 2000 to present, Alcoa has made strategic mergers and acquisitions, such as Alumax, Reynolds. 2. 2 Business Operation Alcoa Business System (ABS) is the core used to manage Alcoa businesses. Here are its three principles: ?Make to Use The first principle is based on customers’ will and demand, such as single-piece production, on demand; defect free, at the lowest possible cost, made safely. ?Eliminate Waste The second principle aims at exposing and solving problems and focuses on cost cutting and cost saving during all their manufacturing and business processes. ?The People Linchpin the System The third principle is concerned with creating on environment which satisfies people. Also, Alcoa tries to identify and solve problems, and link to their transition from â€Å"make to inventory† to â€Å"make to use†. 2. 3 Product Scope Alcoa produces various products, such as flat-rolled products, hard alloy extrusions, and forgings; as well as Alcoa ® wheels, fastening systems, and precision. Here are some important products of Alcoa: ?Aerospace Alcoa is the world leader in single-crystal technology for advanced castings that withstand the extreme temperatures of clean-burning aero engines. ?Automotive Alcoa builds a better car, truck, trailer or vessel. The reason for this is using more aluminum to reduce the overall weight of the vehicle, which significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions. ?Building & Construction Alcoa has always offered unique advantages for designing the shape, appearance and sustainability of modern buildings. These new aluminum components can achieve green building standards. Alcoa also provides high-performance glass, which allows for efficient light control, lower energy consumption, corrosion-resistance and immunity from the harmful effects of UV rays. ?Packaging Aluminum packaging solutions deliver freshness, convenience, and security for food, beverages and other products. For example, the aluminum bottle offers premium, high-end packaging options. 2. 4 Targeted Market According to the statistics, Asia, North America and Western Europe are the top three aluminum consumption areas in the world. In Asian region, such as China, Korea and India, these developing countries have an increasing demand for aluminum. However, the total amount of aluminum consumed in America, Canada and Japan experienced a downward trend. At this point, Alcoa’s target market should pay more attention to China and India. Besides, although Africa is endowed with natural resources, aluminum resources have no commercially exploited value. Therefore, all the producing raw materials are dependent on imports from foreign countries in South Africa. In other words, Africa is mainly producing primary and secondary aluminum products. As a result, if Alcoa exports other forms of aluminum products to Africa, Alcoa will gain a huge profit. Figure 1: Target Market of Alcoa 2. 5 Strength and Weakness Alcoa is the world’s largest miner of bauxite and refiner of alumina. Also, it has a long history started in 1888 so the company is an expert in administration and producing. In addition, Alcoa is the leading producer of primary aluminum and fabricated aluminum all over the world. Alcoa has received many records and good will, such as 100 Best Corporate Citizens 2012—Corporate Responsibility Magazine. What is more, advanced techniques and unremitting effort in innovation make its products and services play an important role in the aluminum market. However, Alcoa is faced with the problem of pollution. For example, Alcoa’s pollutions made the residents who lived six kilometers away from the factories get sick. As a result, Alcoa was punished by the government in Australia. 3. New Oversea Market: Mozambique Located in Southeast Africa, bordered by the Indian Ocean to the east, Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world. Mozambique is abundant in rich and extensive natural resources, and its economy is based largely on agriculture. Today, the economy is growing very fast in Mozambique, and the developed legal system makes Mozambique become a hope in this poor continent. We recommend Alcoa to enter this market, because of the prosperous development of Mozambique. 3. 1 Economy in Mozambique Mozambique is in the poorest region in the poorest continent of the world, Sub-Saharan Africa. Besides, it was considered as the second poorest country, with a per capita GDP below the African average. 4 percent of the population of Mozambique was below the poverty line in 2008. But, economic growth in Mozambique has been strong since the country’s civil war ended in 1992, and it has emerged as one of the fasted growing economies. Since 1996, economic growth has been stable; the economic growth rate was around 6. 2 percent in 2009. The inflation rate has been around its lowest level in a decade. Also, the rea l income grew rapidly, and it tripled in the same decade. Moreover, the real income has grown by 14 percent in 2001 and 11 percent in 2002. However, Zimbabwe, a neighboring country, has declined 8 percent in 2001 and 6 percent in 2002. Currently, more foreign firms have invested in Mozambique, and these firms are mostly in the aluminum industry and mining industry. The foreign enterprises can enjoy tax privileges in Mozambique. In 2010, UK exported around 112 million pounds to Mozambique with imports at almost 78 million pounds. A British mining group has invested 1. 3 billion dollars in the country, which covered aluminum industry, tourism, and it leads to much foreign exchange. The large towns and cities have been promoted by the influence of foreign investment; however, the influence does not apply to the rural area in Mozambique. We can infer that the economy in Mozambique is the hope of this region, comparing to other country in Sub-Saharan Africa. 3. 2 Political System in Mozambique During the civil war, the politics and economy were disrupted. Since the end of the civil war, the political situation in Mozambique has been stable. The government is determined to maintain national unity, and implements appropriate and pragmatic politic policy. Mozambique held the first democratic elections on October 1994, under international scrutiny. Although some limitation exists, for example, the electoral process was boycotted in municipal elections in 1998; this election system can help the electorate to express their will. Mozambique now has developed an elected democracy, which gives rise to a strong legal system. Moreover, a good legal system protects private property and provides incentive to people to invest and produce by both domestic and foreign investors. 3. 3 International Relationship Mozambique has very close relations with its formerly British-ruled neighbours in Africa, because these countries shared experience that fought against white rule. This led to Mozambique joining the Commonwealth in 1995. Mozambique also dispatched troops to contribute to the United Nations, helping them in peacekeeping affairs in Burundi, and participated in South African Development Community peacekeeping training and planning. 3. 4 Aluminum industry in Mozambique 3. 4. 1 Brief Introduction of the Market Alcoa is located in 31 countries all over the world. However, it is only located in two countries in Africa: Morocco and Guinea. To start up a new business in Africa is a brand new challenge for Alcoa. Mozambique is growing rapidly in recent years. The Aluminum industry has a very significant impact on this country’s economy. In order to attract foreign investment and capital, Mozambique’s government takes special policy. The country is not the producer of minerals, but the overseer and promoter of mining activities. This is good news and a great chance for Alcoa to enter the aluminum market in Mozambique. The development of Mozambique’s economy urges big companies’ entry like Alcoa to provide funds and advanced technique. The labor wage is low there, which is also a benefit for Alcoa. Aluminum is a key element in Mozambique’s economic growth. The export of aluminum accounts for nearly 60% of the country’s total export amount. The strongest rival is Mozal, which is the largest company among the country. However, the potential market is still huge. The construction of buildings and machines for production are all relative with aluminum. The fast growth of economy in Mozambique will drive the demand of aluminum. The domestic market can not satisfy the demand and will turn to foreign companies or investment. It provides a great opportunity for Alcoa to gain a sizable market share in this new market. 3. 4. 2 Operation in Mozambique ?Geography Mozambique lies beside the Indian Ocean in southern Africa, and this convenient location is good for delivering goods or trading with others through marine transportation. Besides, it is relatively easier to generate electricity here by taking advantage of sea water at a coastal position. ?Natural Resources Mozambique is well endowed with natural resources, such as coal, titanium, natural gas, hydropower, tantalum, and graphite. However, the country’s natural resources are not fully exploited. Mineral resources such as gold, gemstones and bauxite have not been mined yet. Mozambique’s natural wealth can satisfy Alcoa’s demand for natural resources. ?Transportation Under great efforts, Mozambique’s transportation infrastructure has been improved in recent years. The Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic (AICD) aimed at improving current infrastructure conditions in Africa. The first phase of the AICD focused on 24 countries that together account for 85 percent of the gross domestic product, population, and infrastructure aid flow in Sub-Saharan Africa. Mozambique was included in these 24 countries. Transportation plays an essential role in a company’s business plan to purchase raw materials or deliveries of finished goods to customers. ?Local Government Policy Since its first trade policy review in 2001, Mozambique has taken actions to liberalize its trade regime. Its tariff was reduced in 2002 and again in 2007, with maximum rates lowered from 30% to 20%. Therefore, it is a piece of good news for foreign companies to directly invest in this market. ?Workforce Mozambique is a developing country. Compared to developed countries, Mozambique’s labor cost is relatively low. As a result, it helps Alcoa reduce costs and increase revenue. Take the minimum wage for a 19-year old worker or an apprentice for an example: in Mozambique, the wage is 80. 5 US dollars per month, Australia is 1597. 1 US dollars per month, Brazil is 299. 6 US dollars per month, Jamaica is 215. 0 US per month, and China is 182. 5 US dollars per month. ?Economic Condition The economy was boosted in many aspects, such as mining, financial service and construction, which helped to push GDP real growth rate to 7. 2 percent in 2011. Moreover, the consistence of high foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows, along with strong agricultural growth and infrastructure investment will drive growth to 7. 5 percent and 7. 9 percent in 2012 and 2013. Good economic conditions indicate Alcoa can gain huge potential profits. Figure 2: Real GDP growth of South Africa ?Advanced Technology Alcoa is the world’s third largest producer of aluminum so it implies that Alcoa has advanced technology and equipment. It well known that Mozambique has abundant resources, but aluminum firms in Mozambique can only produce limited types of aluminum products out of technology problems. Under this situation, with its advanced technology, Alcoa can produce aluminum products which are extremely demanded by Mozambique’s market. 3. 5 Competitors: Mozal: Mozal, an aluminum smelter is belong to BHP Billiton, is located in the Maputo province of southern Mozambique. Mozal was the first major project for BHP Billiton in Mozambique and it was Mozambique’s largest private investment in the past 30 years. BHP Billiton is a leading global resources company and one of the world’s largest producers of major commodities. Mozal is one of the largest smelters in Mozambique; the output of Mozal is more than 500,000 tones of aluminum per year. In the two construction phases, the project of Mozal contributed more than 160 million to the local economy. Especially the employment of Mozambican, which make good use of the local labor and stimulate the local’s contractors and suppliers’ profit. The local government and the Mozal’s operations teams have created a great achievement by cooperation. Harmonious industrial relations were created during the construction period; no days were lost because of any industrial action. The local government and the Mozal have benefited a lot from needs-based infrastructure, social and community development projects. It’s a kind of win-win cooperation. 4. Evaluation Alcoa’s expansion in to Mozambique is a bold attempt as Alcoa does not have much experience of open up a new business in Africa. However, as one of the most famous companies in aluminum industry, it can provide adequate funds and mature management to support the operation in Mozambique. This country’s development relies greatly on foreign companies’ investment. Government in Mozambique will provide preferential policy to Alcoa. Besides, the low labor cost in Mozambique helps Alcoa to save operation cost. Although Mozal, the strongest competitor, has taken the largest project in Mozambique, the potential for Alcoa to enter this market is strong. Alcoa has built up a good reputation, with a long history and rich experience in aluminum industry, and this cannot be competed by Mozal. We recommend that Alcoa should seize this opportunity to enter the aluminum market in Mozambique with its advanced technology and experienced management.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Police Brutality Should Not Be Swept Under The Rug

From the disturbing beating of Rodney King to the horrific death of Malice Green to the shooting of Michael Brown shows there is a consistent problem with police brutality and the exertion of force used. Police brutality seems to be a rising issue again with the occurrence of the Michael Brown shooting and the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement making sure that any form of police brutality should not be swept under the rug. Action has been taken in some cities around the country for dealing with police brutality, such as police reform, which requires the retraining of hundreds of officers. There has also been talk and use of police body cameras that would record interactions between officers and the public to clear up any discrepancies in police/witness reports. To look at the effects and causation of police brutality we will be analyzing the media’s role, the sociological and psychological aspects of officers who administer the beating, and the timing of when these be atings/killings occurred. Police behavior plays a gigantic role in whether or not an officer will be willing to use excessive force against a suspect such as their background, training, morals, and composer in stressful situations. In Worden’s article he explains three theories about police behavior that comprise of existing research on police behavior and they’re training. These are sociological, psychological, and organizational theory. He explains sociological theory as the premise that police behavior isShow MoreRelatedPolice Brutality And The United States1286 Words   |  6 PagesPolice brutality continues to be one of the most serious and contentious violations of human rights in the United States. 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You survive, but live the rest of your life thinking back to that day and wonder if you could’ve done anything differently. What you should be asking yourself is how did this crazy man get a gun? Although this situation is hypothetical, it has occurred several times in the United States. This is due to the loose gun laws of the United States. The Second Amendment protects the right forRead MoreWhat Makes A Good Society?2042 Words   |  9 Pagesend police brutality, protesting racial injustice, and p romoting the restructuring of contemporary policing. The phrase Black Lives Matter has become a rallying cry for a new chapter in the long black freedom struggle. The Black Lives Matter movement originally began after George Zimmerman, a Hispanic male, was acquitted of the shooting of an unarmed black teen, Trayvon Martin in a Florida town in 2013. The movement has continued to grow in recent years after several controversial police- involvedRead MoreLetters Of Letters From Birmingham1489 Words   |  6 Pagesin particular was Commissioner of Public Safety Eugene â€Å"Bull† Connor s who was more about segregation that equal rights that’s members needed someone in high authority on their side. While the protester marched nonviolently the were attacked by police dogs and strong blasted of water holes similar to the ones use to put out fires. ( King, 2006) What deemed effective for Dr. King was civil disobedience during the march that he held. So you ask yourself, how can this be justified? When your causeRead MoreCatherine Mackinnon / Thomas Pogge Essay1817 Words   |  8 Pagessituations. MacKinnon believes that there should be not State Action Requirement, because it systematically ignores or disregards women’s suffering under the guise of not seeing gender (in order to indiscriminate), which results in crimes against women being seen as inevitable of the state of their nation or just things that happen because of their gender. The State Action Requirement can be useful in certain situations, but it is not of my belief that it should be mandatory for any human rights violationsRead MoreBlack Lives Matter : The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly Essay2487 Words   |  10 Pagessecond degree murder against seventeen year old Trayvon Martin. These emotions were the stepping stones of a highly significant movement, the Black Lives Ma tter movement. The Black Lives Matter movement is a response as well as a stance against police brutality against African Americans, which uses the tragic deaths of teenagers Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown as a head for its cause. Many people on social media know the black lives matter movement or refer to it #blacklivesmatter, especially on twitterRead MoreProfessional Sports In The United States Of America, Most1839 Words   |  8 Pagesmy part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder† (Wikipedia). The act of kneeling or sitting down during the National Anthem was a way to call attention to the issues of police brutality and racial injustice in America. This protest was presented in two different and very polarizing ways by the media. The Kaepernick protest was largely influenced by the Black Lives Matter movement. Many supporters of the movement postedRead MoreHow Thanksgiving Is Fast Approaching Essay2360 Words   |  10 Pageswere created by the weapons they carry. The police used violent means to disperse the Protectors using tear gas, pepper spray and rubber bullets on them. Authorities arrested peaceful protesters and claimed their demonstration was a riot. Many videos of mass arrests and beatings on protestors have surfaced, yet they have continued to protest peacefully, relying only on nonviolent forms of protest. Since then, the public has criticized these extreme police interactions with protesters and protests began